What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?
Everything is shipped from The Netherlands. We divide our packaged in two categories. Packaged and Mailbox shipment. Also you can choose between tracked and untracked.
Shipping prices change regularly. Please visit the checkout page for the latest rates.
Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?
We accept Paypal, iDeal and Creditcard
How long will delivery take?
We ship everyday, except for sunday.
Netherlands: 2-3 days
Europe: 3-4 days
Worldwide: 5-10 days
What exactly happens after ordering?
You will recieve a confirmation email. If you chose bank transfer as a payment option we will have to check the payment manually. Any other method will be processed automatically.
When your order is shipped you will recieve another email.
Do I receive an invoice for my order?
Yes, all order will have a invoice attached by email. Also there’s a overview of all you previous orders in you account page.